Adv. Dorit Karny, a partner in the Insolvency and Companies Recovery department, participated in the Dun’s 100 forum of sector officers in the field of insolvency.
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Adv. Dorit Karny, a partner in the Insolvency and Companies Recovery department, participated in the Dun’s 100 forum of sector officers in the field of insolvency, which was attended by leading firms.

The forum participants discussed sector issues on the agenda, including the effects of the war on the insolvency market, what steps need to be taken to assist the market in overcoming the crisis, and practical advice for customers to successfully navigate this period.

Adv. Karny related, inter alia, to the very real concern for recovery chances the business world has from the very complex crisis the Israeli economy is experiencing, first and foremost as a result of the shortage of workers, difficulties in international trade and the uncertainty caused by the war, and said that “The Iron Swords war has heightened and intensified the existing faults in the various sectors of the Israeli economy, surfacing deep rooted problems that are clamouring for an educated solution. Due to the consolidation of various faults in this current situation, companies that successfully overcame the previous crisis, many not necessarily do so this time. Even veteran and relatively stable companies are not immune. What is most certain is, that in order to overcome any crisis, it is vital to have a guiding hand that will provide a response to economic requirements based on an analysis of concrete needs.

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צילום: ניב קנטור