
Social Involvement

AYR – Amar Reiter Jeanne Shochatovitch & Co.’s guiding values oblige us to engage with our surrounding community, and we appreciate the importance of social involvement and of contributing our legal activities to the community.

As part of our firm’s community engagement, we make sure to provide equal opportunity when recruiting, employing and promoting our staff, absorbing graduates from a wide range of higher education institutions that excel personally and professionally.

We believe that, as lawyers contributing our time and skills to promote social rights, we have the actual ability to lead significant social change. We therefore encourage the legal team to take part in voluntary social activities, and to make our professional skills accessible for the benefit of diverse populations. 

In addition, our team provides counselling services to non-profit organizations throughout the Israeli society, voluntarily. With multiple areas of expertise, our firm is able to provide numerous experts in their fields, that provide legal advice on a wide range of topics, including litigation and dispute resolution, corporate and contracts law, real estate and rentals, privacy protection, labour laws, intellectual property, etc.

Not only do our activities contribute to the community, but through our activities the firm benefits even more. Our lawyers are exposed to a broad range of diverse communities and to the dimensional depths of empowering weaker echelons, improving us as jurists, as members of society and as people, as well as empowering our firm in general by these beneficial activities. 

About the firm’s Pro-Bono activity>>