Our firm  is representing the Shapir Company in the objection to the Afula Inclusive City Plan, currently being promoted
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Our firm is representing the Shapir Company in the objection to the Afula Inclusive City Plan, currently being promoted.

In 2016 Shapir purchased a section of agricultural land outside the city of Afula on the southern side, with the purpose of developing the land by changing its designation to benefit industry.

The designated agricultural area in question, on the outskirts of Afula and adjacent to Highway 60, is “hemmed in” between various industrial uses.

Despite the land’s planning potential, as part of the inclusive urban plan, decision was made to retain the agricultural designation of the said piece of land, despite the Shapir application.

Under these circumstances, through our firm, Shapir submitted an objection to the deposited plan, claiming there is no planning logic and/or justification in retaining the land as an “agricultural enclave”, especially with the surrounding areas being designated for industrial uses, such as industry, engineering facilities and a landfill.

The land in question is of planning potential, providing an answer to the existing shortage of areas for traditional industries and particularly cement factories, which have in recent years been pushed out of developing industrial zones.

Shapir is represented by Adv. Yacov Cohen, head of the Building and Planning department,and by Adv. Orly Vidan, a partner in the department.

For reviewing: The Marker