The President of the National Labor Court, Mr. Yigal Plitman, who serves as a special counsel to our firm, in the financial program of the Army Radio (Galei Tzahal) – ‘The Bottom Line’
Yigal Plitman
Hon. Judge (ret.)
Former capital market executives Moshe Goldman and Shaul Maor were convicted as part of a plea bargain; the Goldmans were represented by Adv. Sharon Kohane, partner and Head of our White Collar Department.
Sharon Kohane
Adv. Gidon Even-Or, partner at the Litigation Department of AYR – Amar Reiter Jeanne Shochatovitch & Co., led an international online panel on technology and international arbitration – on behalf of ICC YAF (the Young Arbitrators Forum of the International Chamber of Commerce) which is represented by Adv. Even-Or in Israel and the Middle East.
Gidon Even-Or
The court ruled that a price mistake does not bind the seller (insofar that the terms allow that); the retail chain was accompanied by Advs. Yoav Caspi and Rachel Zilberfarb-Schreiber
Yoav Caspi
‘Lighting Nestworks’ HCJ – the operator of ‘Lighting Networks” v. the Ministry of Health and the Israel Police; the petition was filed by Advs. Ram Jeanne and Roey Dotan from our firm’s Commercial Litigation Department
“0:1 to Ferrari: the legal battle between Ferrari and Philipp Plein threatens Instagram fashion celebrities” / opinion piece by Adv. Rachel Zilberfarb-Schreiber from our Commercial Law Department to ‘Haaretz’
Assaf Lapid
Congratulations to our clients for having completed the control acquisition transaction of Delek Israel; the group of purchasers, led by ‘Lahav L.R. Real Estate’, was represented by our firm partners, Advs. Igal Doron and Assaf Lapid
‘How to prevent a complaint from becoming a legal suit during the Covid-19 period’; the lecture of Adv.Alon Sukenik from our firm’s Class Action Department on the Israel Conference for Customer Service and Experience
Adv. Gidon Even-Or, a partner in our firm’s Litigation Department, will led a lecture on ‘Arbitrations and technology: the use of technology and resolution of technological disputes in international arbitrary proceedings’ in LEGALINK’s annual conference
Gidon Even-Or
The President of the National Labor Court (ret.), Mr. Yigal Plitman, who serves as a special counsel to our firm, in an opinion piece to ‘Globes’
Yigal Plitman
Hon. Judge (ret.)
‘Who moved my copyrhight’ – a webinar on the assimilation of copyright in your organization’s activity’ lead by Adv. Eyal Roy Sage, partner and Head of our Law and Technology Department
Eyal Roy Sage
AYR monitors the control acquisition transaction of ‘Delek Israel’