Adv. Daniel Chinn, head of our firm’s High-Tech department, participated in an online advanced study by the Midrasha – Academia on behalf of the Bar Association, on the subject of accompanying high tech companies
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Adv. Daniel Chinn, head of our firm’s High Tech department, gave an online lecture to some 200 lawyers on the subject of ‘Initial Acquaintance with the Eco System and Accompaniment of Start-Up Companies’ as part of an advanced study by the Midrasha – Academia on behalf of the the Israeli Bar Association

In the lecture Daniel detailed the features of start-up companies, and presented basic terminology that is necessary to know. 

The advanced study on the subject of high-tech is organized by Adv. Ran Halutz, who has an independent law firm. and who in the past was a member of our team.

For the advanced study page: