Adv. Baruch Katzman of our firm, an expert in commercial and civil litigation, relates in an interview to Calcalist and Galei Zahal, to business owners reponsibility when advertising a service or product, and how to avoid misleading advertising that can expose the business owner to law suits.
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Adv. Baruch Katzman of our firm, an expert in commercial and civil litigation, relates in an article by Calcalist to business owners reponsibility when advertising a service or product, and how to avoid misleading advertising that can expose the business owner to law suits.

For the article: Calcalist>>

On the same subject, Adv. Katzman was interviewed for “Galei Zahal” on the subject of truth in advertising, libel, etc.

For listening to the interview: Interview with Adv. Katzman for Galei Zahal on advertising and libel